10 Reasons Why You Should Write More, Type Less
People started to write hands less because of new technological developments. Learn why it’s bad and how handwriting improves mental faculties. Technology penetrates all areas of our life. People rely on their gadgets more than on their physical abilities. Children learn how to type as soon as they learn the alphabet.
Do you remember how to handwrite? If your answer is “yes,” read this article and learn why it’s terrible.
10 Reasons Why You Should Write More, Type Less:
- The Development of Mental Faculties
- Train Your Memory
- Improving Grammar and Spelling
- Useful When Learning Alphabet
- Improved Composition and Performance
- The Development of the Creative Approach
- Better Health
- Helps Win Dyslexia
- Stimulates Actions
- Helps Develop Your Style
The Development of Mental Faculties
Writing by hand engages neural pathways that are not used when you type. This fact was proved by Indiana University professors who tracked brain functioning patterns.
Students who wrote by hand and those who typed were given MRIs. The device showed children who wrote by hand-applied more mental effort than those who organized.
This means that children stimulate mental work to a greater extent by handwriting.
Train Your Memory
Other studies revealed that writing by hand improves your memory.
Experts state that the information you type stays in your memory for only 24 hours. If you used to make written notes, you could retain information in your mind for one week.
When writing, you let the ideas pass via consciousness, which activates memorization. Thus, you can better grasp the concepts when you take notes during lectures. Please use audio files or read textbooks.
Improving Grammar and Spelling
This benefit follows from the above: when writing, you memorize more words and expressions and strengthen your grammar and spelling skills.
You activate specific neural pathways that are responsible for brainpower. Children learning the alphabet can take benefit from handwriting.
Also, adults who don’t take notes by hand often forget grammar rules and start to make more grammar mistakes. If you practice handwriting regularly, no one will tell you that you’re illiterate.
Grammar is essential when you compose your resume. It’s important to represent your best in the eyes of potential employers. Otherwise, you can apply for the assistance of resume writers reviews to write a resume without grammar errors.
Useful When Learning Alphabet
Writing by hand is one of the most valuable activities for small children who learn writing. Children learn how different letters are used and pronounced by writing foreign words. This helps memorize other expressions and recall them when needed.
When typing, children use their eyes and fingerprints. Writing by hand involves several tactile experiences and develops motor functions, eyes, and large body muscles.
In this way, children train their mental alertness and concentration when learning letters.
Improved Composition and Performance
Children who take notes by hand differ from those who like typing by their creative ability and better performance at school.
This is a fact proven by the research of the University of Washington. In addition, elementary students who write can complete tasks faster than their typing peers, make longer compositions, and compose more sentences.
Experienced writers also make their first drafts by hand, even though they can access typing gadgets.
The Development of the Creative Approach
Students used to type, not write. Typing is easier because you can type and erase phrases by pressing the delete button. You must cross out the sentences you don’t like when you write by hand.
What is the difference? Does this matter? Yes, it does.
By crossing out the sentences, you stimulate the work of your subconscious, and you develop and polish your best ideas using your written notes as guidance. This doesn’t happen when you type: you erase the phrases and forget what was right or wrong.
Thus, you can develop your creativity and cultivate your best ideas.
Better Health
Your body can benefit if you use the correct posture when writing. When writing, you can strengthen your shoulders, wrists, elbows, and fingers. This can help you to perform vital body functions like carrying items, playing musical instruments, and cutting.
Also, writing by hand helps avoid carpal tunnel or joint pain.
Typing is not the case: people who type regularly often experience carpal tunnel syndrome. Typing can harm children whose bones, muscles, and joints are forming.
Helps Win Dyslexia
Surprisingly, more than 15% of the population suffers from various learning disabilities.
Dyslexia is one of them, and handwriting helps solve this problem. Writing in cursive is helpful when treating dyslexia. It’s easier for dyslexic children to learn cursive because they move fluidly from one letter to another.
Besides, each sentence starts on a baseline. Therefore, students having dyslexia can learn how to compose sentences.
Stimulates Actions
The intentions you wrote down are likely to become your reality. All business coaches encourage their students to write their ideas and dreams to make them come true someday.
Please make a list of your goals and start to reach them. Please put the list in plain view. Your handwritten notes will remind you about your promises and stimulate you to act.
Helps Develop Your Style
You can polish your writing style by spelling. You sharpen your style and invent your expressions by writing, editing, improving, and polishing.
Personal style is essential in academic writing as it helps stand out and get good marks. Each writer is recognizable by their style, and you have a chance to develop your own. This can be useful when studying at a university because you will be assigned tons of written papers.
Nowadays, students should use their handwriting skills more often. It contributes to developing muscles and bones, helps fight learning diseases, and becomes more creative.
However, the tendency to type is overwhelming and modern students don’t use pens. It can be explained by the reluctance to contemplate the information they get. It’s much easier to receive information without processing it.
Spelling encourages students to process information and make appropriate conclusions. This may lead to stupor and degradation. Therefore, students should practice handwriting, and teachers should encourage them to do it.