Auditing and International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB)
The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) is an independent standard-setting body that serves the public interest by setting high- quality international standards for auditing, quality control, review, other assurance, and related services, and by facilitating the convergence of international and national standards.
In doing so, the IAASB enhances the quality and uniformity of practice throughout the world and strengthens public confidence in the global auditing and assurance profession.
The IAASB follows a rigorous due process in developing its pronouncements. Input is obtained from a wide range of stakeholders including the IAASB’s Consultative Advisory Group national auditing standard setters, IFAC member bodies and their members, regulatory and oversight bodies, firms, governmental agencies, investors, preparers, and the general public.
Exposure drafts of proposed pronouncements are posted on the. website and comments are invited; final pronouncements are accompanied by a basis of conclusions with respect to comments received.
The Public Interest Oversight Board (PIOB) oversees the work of the IAASB and its CAG to ensure that the activities of the IAASB follow due process and are responsive to the public interest.
The IAASB is dedicated to operating as transparently as possible. IAASB meetings are open to the public and meeting agendas, agenda papers, and meeting highlights are posted on the website.
In addition, the website includes project histories, audio recordings of the IAASB meetings, IAASB exposure drafts and all comments made on those drafts by stakeholders.