Dysfunctions of a Team
Lencioni presents a pyramid model with the five dysfunctions of a team (from the bottom up;
1. Absence of Trust
Stemming from unwillingness in the team members to be vulnerable and genuinely open up with one another about their mistakes and weaknesses.
2. Fear of Conflict
Inability to engage in unfiltered, passionate (yet constructive, .though it may strike you as odd) debate.
3. Lack of Commitment
Commitment cannot be expected when ideas and opinions have not been aired and genuinely taken into consideration prior to a decision.
4. Avoidance of Accountability
Without commitment to a clearly defined set of goals, team members will hesitate to call their colleagues on their actions and behaviors that are counterproductive for the team.
5. Inattention to Results
Lencioni brings it all homes through the realization that avoidance of accountability leads to a state where team members tend to put their individual needs above the team’s collective goals.